"My name is Jani, and I am a 19-year-old mother-to-be. Before coming to 'Friends', I was living from house to house. I was living to pay other people’s bills, rent, and car insurance. If I didn’t pay their bills I was told I’d have to leave their home the next day. All that time I had a job, I could never spend a penny on myself, it all went to other people.
On the same day that I found out I was pregnant, I was brutally raped on my way home from work. When the police arrived at the scene, they found evidence, but not the perpetrator. I was immediately rushed to the hospital and that’s when I learned that I was already 6 weeks pregnant. My heart dropped as I had just been through Hell with the rape and with a baby growing inside me. I carried my baby to 4 and a half months and then decided to see if I could get an abortion as I had no place to live.
As I was outside Planned Parenthood in Boston, I met a man named Howard. He stopped and spoke to me about what having an abortion could do to me. He spoke about my unborn baby and about God. He helped me understand the life that was growing inside me. After speaking to him, I decided to go with him and he brought me to “A Woman’s Concern” where they did an ultrasound and found out my baby was a boy! Then he call “Friends” to see if they had any room for me in the shelter home. They told him to bring me over right away. When I arrived, they were all so kind about everything and they made me feel so comfortable. They provided a roof over my head and lots of good food! They enrolled me into a GED course in addition to the lifeskills classes offered on-site. I have a Bible class that has brought me to a closer understanding of how God works in my life. I also have a Parenting class that teaches me how to be the best parent I can be, more than I realized. And I love the nutrition class especially.
It is very nice of Marilyn to be able to provide so much that I never had in my life. She is like a mother to me and that is why I have so much respect for her. Thank you to all the staff for having the heart to help Marilyn to help those in need.God bless each and every one of you for being there for me when I most needed you and I know everything you do and say is in my best interest.
At this time I feel that God did bring me here for a special reason because my life has been changed and you pulled me back from the pain, suffering, anger and tears. Thank you God for giving me another chance to be here today and maybe one day I will have everything I need to help others as well. I am so grateful to Marilyn, the staff and all the supporters over and over again for helping me.I love you all so very much ~ Jani"
Hi there, My name is Amanda and I am 24 years old. My mother was a resident at friends of the unborn when she was pregnant with me. I have known about her time spent there for many years now, but have recently realized the incredible impact that time has made in my life. My parents found out they were pregnant while they were in an on again- off again relationship. They were not together at the time my mom found out she was pregnant, and during her pregnancy she had a condition called 'hyperemesis gravidarum' which made her entire pregnancy consist of vomiting to the point of dehydration everyday. She was so sick that she couldn't keep her job at the time, so sick she was often hooked up to an IV. My mom couldn't pay her rent either so she reached out to family her to see if she could stay with them. Without going into great detail my mom was not offered to stay with those closest to her.
My mom shared this experience with me in my early teens. I still remember the day she pulled out this box from underneath her bed. She showed me all of these photos of her with pregnant women, women of every age and nationality. As my mom showed me these photos I remember being confused why she had to stay somewhere like that. I never knew about this chapter of my story before I was born. I remember my mom getting emotional and telling me that this was her only option, but that Jesus had blessed her greatly there. There were lots of people in my mothers life who suggested that she get an abortion. That was never an option for her. She knew that she would keep her baby, no matter what that meant. My mom is a tall 5'11 and back in the 90s it was harder to find clothes for tall women, let alone maternity clothes. One day a big bag of brand new maternity clothes were donated to the house, all of which were 'tall'. The Lord made sure she had everything she needed, even down to the clothes on her back. He housed her, He clothed her, and He gave her a family when she had none. My mom showed me letters that she wrote to me while she was pregnant, she wrote about her time at the house and how loved I was by the women there while I was in her belly.
I am now 24 years old, I am a kindergarten teacher, I am a friend, a daughter, a sister, a niece, a cousin, a girlfriend, and most of all a daughter of the living God. I am so grateful that my mother listened to the Holy Spirit nudge inside of her. I am alive because of it. To whomever finds this, thank you. Thank you for being a critical part of mothers story, and my own. The Lord has used you to change the course of generations.
"The staff didn't see me as bad because I got pregnant. My family said I was stupid, but the staff welcomed me with open arms. When I came to the 'Friends' house it was way more than I expected or imagined. The house was so warm and with an endless supply of food. I've been in shelters where the girls were expected to bring their own food. They weren't treated like people. Like if you didn't have 'any' money you weren't treated like you were worth much. But here it was so different.
I never believed in God before. I never even opened a Bible or wanted anyone preaching to me. But after some time here I learned how important my baby was to God and so was I. I was rescued. I was saved. The difference is unbelievable.
When I go to visit my family, those are my bad days. A lot of times when I was back at home I wasn't allowed to rest or eat what I wanted. But when I come back here it is so peaceful and I can actually sleep.
I cannot not believe in God with all that I have seen and received here. God walks with me every day. He doesn't leave.
I feel worthy here and I have so much more confidence now that I will have a better future for me and my baby.
Thank you! - Christina"