Friends of the Unborn Maternity Home is a warm and welcoming place where moms may live up to their child's first birthday. Our residents have beautifully appointed shared bedrooms, each with a single bed, dresser, crib, changing table, and closet.
The home offers a large common living and dining area, and a well-equipped kitchen where our mothers prepare their own meals or meals for a group and have access to all the food they need.
In addition, our in-house classroom offers convenience to our residents for life skills classes while their babies are cared for in the adjacent room while classes are in session.
Laundry is also on-site and free of charge.
Our Chapel and Prayer Garden are the perfect places for residents to find a little quiet time alone to pray or meditate.
Our home is conveniently located a short walk from the Red Line in Quincy, MA, with easy access to hospitals, schools, libraries, and many other important resources in and near Boston.
Our on-site life skills and enrichment classes along with our monthly Mass are integral parts of our Program.
Classes and Workshops include:
Managing Grief
Domestic Violence
Women of Faith
Bible Study
Arts and Crafts
Tummy Time for Baby
Music Therapy
and other various Pop-Up Classes and Guest Speakers
All residents of our Program are required to attend.
We share with our residents that Jesus is our strength, and when we invite Him into our walk, our lives change, and mountains can be moved.